Emotional Intelligence versus Performance Management: What’s More Important?


The well-being and performance of employees are the number above all for every organization. Therefore, it is vital to ensure the employees are in top shape and performing their best to achieve the goals set by the organization. When employees cannot perform effectively, it hurts the business and could create a tense situation for the organization.

Employees who are motivated to work create better results. Therefore, they have become the most crucial part of any organization. And, it is the organization’s responsibility to ensure its employees feel valued and appreciated at all times. Furthermore, it is the organization’s job to provide the employees with proper training that helps them excel at their jobs.

This blog will discuss emotional intelligence and performance management in an organization and which out of the two is more important.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in a Workplace

Emotional intelligence is an integral part of every organization as it helps people understand and manage emotions successfully. With the implementation of emotional intelligence in the workplace, better relationships with and between the employees can be created, which leads to a positive work environment.

Following are five fundamental factors of emotional intelligence and how they can be used in organizations.

  1. Self-awareness

Self-awareness helps a person identify their emotions and emotional triggers. When you are aware of your feelings, you can understand how others perceive your emotions better. For example, self-awareness can be used to recognize how employees and managers in an organization view each other.

  1. Self-regulation

Self-regulation helps individuals control and adjust their emotions leading to a positive effect. It is vital to be in control of your feelings as your emotions can have a strong impact on others. For example, an employee might want to control their emotions by adjusting their feelings to give a professional appearance in front of clients.

  1. Motivation

Motivation refers to the feeling and desire to do a certain task. It is related to emotional intelligence as desires can prompt various feelings towards something. For example, in a workplace, employees can display the desire to complete all the daily tasks successfully emotionally to the managers.

  1. Empathy

Empathy refers to the ability to be able to identify and understand other’s feelings. Employees who can understand other’s feelings are able to handle workplace situations more effectively.

  1. Social Skills

Social skills allow individuals to communicate and interact with others properly. Strong social skills can help you listen, speak, and resolve conflicts and issues more effectively. Without a doubt, social skills can help employees develop their careers and lead to leadership qualities and opportunities.

Emotional intelligence is important, as it helps individuals perceive, reason with, understand, and manage their emotions amongst others. Following are a few reasons why emotional intelligence is important in the workplace:

  • With emotional intelligence, employees can understand non-verbal communication and fix situations before they turn into serious problems.
  • Being self-aware of personal emotions allows employees to adjust their behavior before it becomes an issue for clients or coworkers.
  • With emotional intelligence, employees can develop strong interpersonal skills that can inspire and help the organization. Portraying motivation, empathy, responsibility, and encouragement can enhance the team’s performance.
  • Emotional intelligence can eventually lead to career development, pay raises, and promotions. In addition, it can help employees build leadership skills.

The Importance of Performance Management in a Workplace

Heads, CEOs, directors, influencers, and managers constantly preach the importance of performance management in organizations. Performance management is the act of engaging with the employee to review their workplace performance and development. The process of performance management includes monitoring goal completion, feedback, and discussions. With proper analysis of success, strengths, learning from mistakes, and examining growth potential, organizations are able to develop talent, increase individual performance, and eliminate problems.

Following are some reasons why performance management is important in every organization:

Provides a look into the future

Consistent monitoring and managing the workplace performance helps leaders recognize any potential future problems. As a result, they can detect problems early, which leads to less loss or harm done.

For example, suppose an employee is not showcasing proper teamwork skills. In that case, the organization can place them in a position that does not require teamwork, provide them with training that helps develop teamwork skills, or let the employee go before it turns into a problem.

Helps create development and training strategies

A common reason organizations face trouble is because the employees are not aware of how to perform processes properly. However, performance management helps eliminate such problems. In addition, the organization can develop training programs that target the problems and turn them into opportunities for improvement.

Provides clarity

Many employees are unsure of their job roles, what the organization expects from them, and who they report to. Performance management helps ensure all of the rules and regulations are crystal clear to the employees. By providing employees with clarity, organizations can enhance productivity and confidence amongst the employees.

Increases employee retention

Performance management regularly encourages organizations to reward and recognize the employees. Unfortunately, many employees end up leaving organizations due to a lack of recognition and appreciation. Rewards, recognition, and appreciation can play an integral role in retaining employees.

What is more important: Emotional Intelligence or Performance Management?

While the two are completely different things, one is not more important than the other. Emotional intelligence and performance management both need to be present in every organization to ensure success. Both work towards the betterment of employees and have the best interests of the organization at heart.

Employees need to learn how to project their emotions in a professional setting, which is what emotional intelligence is best at. Similarly, it is also essential for organizations to provide for their employees, give them the best training, ensure their success, and retain them – which calls for performance management.

To sum it up, emotional intelligence and performance management are two very integral parts of organizations.


Both emotional intelligence and performance management are vital for organizations and they fuel the learning needs of individuals, groups and teams.

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