READY…. Top Tips to be fully prepared for vILT


The most important strategy for successful virtual training is to be fully prepared.

Here is a summary of four top tips for Trainers, L&D Professionals and SMEs who deliver training to be fully prepared and ready for virtual sessions (vILT) every time you train.

  1. Prepare yourself
  2. Prepare your training environment
  3. Prepare your participants
  4. Be ready…. for anything!

1. Prepare yourself

THE BIGGEST TIP OF ALL: Imagine you’re in a classroom, just like ILT (face-to-face training).

This means your general approach to preparation should be the same for vILT as if you were preparing for training in a physical classroom.  It takes the same amount of time to check, set up and get ready.

Allow plenty of time in advance.  The same way that you would visit a physical training room at least 1-2 days in advance to ensure the correct facilities, equipment and arrangements are in place.

Arrive into the virtual classroom early on the day of training. Plan to open your vILT session at least 45-60 minutes in advance of the training start.  This gives plenty of time to ensure everything is working and ready to go. You can then focus on calmly and confidently welcoming your participants as they join.

Plan Ahead: Get ready, check and test everything and allow plenty of time.

Schedule preparation time to focus on these key areas:

  • Know the Course. Be familiar with the Leader’s Guide – the course structure, timing content and activities – plus all course materials.
  • Know the Technology. Be familiar with how the virtual product, panels, tools all work.
  • Practice, practice, practice. To use the technology and tools quickly and smoothly. To rehearse and check your course timing. To ensure you’re confident with all the activities and course delivery and so you look and sound great!
learning culture

2. Prepare your training environment

Get organized and proactively check your training environment:

  • The office area or room – is it quiet and distraction-free? Check for distractions on walls or for people, children or animals walking behind where your camera will face.  Check the lighting is sufficient.
  • Computer, screens, hardware, software and tools – do you have your equipment, screen(s) and your software and tools installed, tested and ready to go? Tidy the Desktop on any screen that you’ll share, clear the clutter and remove any distractions.

3. Prepare your participants

Communicate proactively, clearly and allow time.

  • Prepare in advance and be ready to send communications, invitations, materials and reminders for each part or session of the training program.
  • Allow time for participants to complete pre-course reading and activities, so they join every session fully prepared.
  • Invite participants to join each session early – at least 15 minutes before the start time, so they can get set up and ready to go.

4.      Be ready…. for anything!

Preparation is the key to confidence.

Great trainers complete all their preparation well before the training day, with contingency plans built in and little left to chance.  This helps to feel calm and confident and more able to deal with any situation that arises on the day.

Build a contingency plan.
Consider your ‘back-ups’ for things such as s participant arriving late, participants leaving the vILT early, the session taking a shorter time than expected, or a longer time.

Some things to think about might include:

  • Having an additional trainer or administrator for the group to help with logistics
  • Prepare a few activities or questions to the group that you can immediately put into the course


  • Identify a possible piece of content that you could drop out of the program and send to participants later.

Be ready….be confident!

Ask yourself… What can you do to ensure that you are fully prepared for vILT every time your train?

Whether you are a Trainer, L&D Professional, or an SME who delivers training, make these practical tips and considerations a regular habit every time you get ready to train.  If you are fully prepared with your back-ups in place this boosts your confidence, which in turn makes for an organized, more relaxed and engaging session for your participants.

Want to learn more about how to prepare for and deliver powerful virtual programs?  Take a look at our fast-track Masterclass: Maximizing Virtual Training and our vID9 Certification Program: Certified vID9 Professional.

From ID9 Masterclasses, to ID9 Certification Programs, to ID9 IMPACT, to ID9 Custom Design, ID9 Intelligent Design powers effective virtual, digital and online learning solutions.  Click here to find out more.  

ID9 Intelligent Design supports trainers, L&D Professionals, learning partners and entire diverse training teams or organizations to work virtually and deliver virtual, digital and online learning solutions with full confidence.  Contact us here to learn more. 

Leading Virtual Teams, by Catherine Mattiske is the book that shows you how Virtual Leadership is a whole new world.  Get your copy now!

 Click here to find out how you can download the first two chapters for free!